Dyer County NAMI Glo Walk

The Dyer County Chapter of NAMI recently hosted the 2nd Annual Mental Health Glo Walk on Saturday, May 18th, at Oakview Park in Newbern, TN.

The event was held as part of May Mental Health Awareness Month to bring awareness and attention to behavioral health. PCS was a proud sponsor of the event and one of many mental health providers to participate.

It rained all day putting the event in jeopardy, but the rain stopped just in time making for a beautiful sunset and evening. There was live music, food trucks, and a lot of important mental health information and resources for community members.

NAMI stands for the National Alliance on Mental Illness in what started as a small group of families gathered around a kitchen table in 1979. NAMI has blossomed into the nation’s leading voice on mental health. Today, NAMI is an alliance of more than 600 local affiliates (like the Dyer County Chapter) who work in communities to raise awareness and provide support and education to all community members in need for mental health services. NAMI works to educate, support, advocate, listen, and lead to improve the lives of people with mental illness and their loved ones.

Did you know individuals can also join NAMI to be part of their mission. For more information on membership visit PCS is already looking forward to next year.

A BIG SHOUT OUT to the PCS Project B.A.S.I C. Team for being present and sharing mental health resources. Pictured below are the PCS School-based Child Developmental Specialists: Sarah Morris, T’Yana Hudson, and Mekayla Hartsfield.